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烹饪与海蒂Swanson冒险从旧金山,Ca,天然食品配方杂志。 每日健康生活食谱杂志是一个美食爱好者创办的博客站点,该博客成立于2003年,该博主喜欢烹饪美食,她总结了一句话,当你拥有了查过101个食谱的时候就可以抛弃购买烹饪书籍进而自己去创作更加美味的食物。从2003年初该博主就喜欢收藏一些美食书籍,到各地区旅游发现各地的美食,并且逛书店寻找那些可以制造出美味佳肴的书籍,在整个学习的过程中她创建了这个博客,并记录下她学习的整个过程。I'm Heidi Swanson. You can visit my personal site here if you like. I try to keep it updated with various projects I work on. I'm a San Francisco based photographer, cookbook author, occasional designer - and creator of 101 Cookbooks.I like to travel, take pictures, make books, cook, and hang out with friends. On a professional front, my writing and photographs have been featured in The Washington Post, Vegetarian Times, Whole Foods Markets, and on NPR. Projects (past and present) have been highlighted in many national and local publications including the Wall Street Journal, LIFE, Shape Magazine, Vegetarian Times, USA Today, Fast Company, Entertainment Weekly, Glamour, and the San Francisco Chronicle. And through some stroke of good fortune, my latest book has been on the New York Times bestseller list for a while.Culinary adventures with Heidi Swanson from San Francisco, Ca. A natural foods recipe journal.
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